Thursday, July 22, 2021

Rain Drops of Refreshing

Today I had the opportunity to pray with this prophetic powerhouse on a group Zoom call.  Her name is Jo and she was doing someone’s hair in her home, then took a break to violently dismantle some demonic principalities and powers through the name of Jesus and His powerful Word, and then just as suddenly went back to working on hair.  Like it was no big deal - all in a day’s work.  

It was so powerful to hear her intercession for the city of Chicago.  Soooooo powerful.  My soul was infused with hope and expectation as she prayed.  

It reminded me of the time at KHOP some years ago when John and I were under immense pressure and attack and one of our veteran intercessors began to pray over our family.  It was a Thursday afternoon and her eyes were closed as she sat up at the mic. She began to pray and pray and pray for me and John, our family, and for our call and destiny.  I literally lay down in the front row of seats as she prayed.  I was so tired and my soul felt frayed and pummeled and we desperately needed breakthrough.  As she prayed, I physically felt a gentle rain begin to fall in the prayer room.  I don’t know how to explain it - I didn’t feel the wetness of actual rain, but I felt the light pelting of God’s raindrops….I physically felt it.

My friend prayed for about a half hour, with her eyes closed, unaware of the remarkable blessing I experienced as I lay on those seats.

Eventually she shifted topics and moved on.  But man oh man, that Holy Ghost sprinkling was exactly what my weary soul needed.  I remember slowly sitting up, stunned, trying to process what had just transpired. I felt better….different……refreshed.

For those men and women who labor in the hidden place of prayer - THANK YOU.  Heaven sees you.  Our Father hears you.  Demons fear you.  And the Body of Christ needs you.  Keep praying, keep prophesying, keep declaring the promises of God.  Don’t stop.  You ARE making a difference.  My life is proof.  

1 comment:

Faith Comes by Hearing

  In May of 2020, I remember standing in my dining room, fielding calls from various Christian leaders in our city.   That evening, we were ...