Wednesday, August 8, 2018

You're Glowing!

“You’re glowing!”

I remember the first time I experienced my own quiet time (time set side to pray, read my Bible, and journal for the purpose of encountering God and hearing His voice).  I was invited to attend a Young Life Leadership retreat at James Madison University.   At the retreat, they sent us out into the woods to have a “quiet time.”  Although I grew up in a Christian home and had prayed many a prayer, read my Bible, memorized zillions of scriptures, and had even led Bible studies, this was my first time having my own private time with the Lord with the exclusive purpose of encountering Him. 

So, I walked off into the woods with my Bible, a journal, and a pen.  And with these three simple tools, I encountered the Living God.  I felt His presence.  His Word came alive.  I heard His voice.   I encountered His goodness.

At the end of the allotted time, I almost skipped back to the camp, eager to share about my God encounter.  My soul was bubbling with incredible joy!  Soon after, they drove us back to the college.   As I walked down my dorm’s hallway, one of my hall mates immediately commented upon seeing me, “You’re glowing!”  Still overflowing with joy, I laughed and told her about the retreat.

I grew up in a Christian home and knew what prayer was, what Bible study was, what attending church was.  I watched my parents speak in tongues, pray for the sick, worship Jesus, and boldly proclaim the gospel to coworkers and friends.  But up until this point, I had never encountered Him for myself in a devotional posture.  And something profound happened to me that crisp autumn day during my freshman year: I encountered the Living God.  On my own.  And something changed within me.  I knew I could encounter Him like this as often as I wanted.  The door of personal devotion had opened in my life and the heavens were the limit!

All these years later, I sit here in this beautiful beach chapel along Lake Michigan’s shore at Camp Arcadia, feeling the evening sun’s rays paint my face with gold.   And I am reminded again as I read my Bible and listen to the Lord speak to my spirit - I’m glowing.

Faith Comes by Hearing

  In May of 2020, I remember standing in my dining room, fielding calls from various Christian leaders in our city.   That evening, we were ...